Archiwum 28 maja 2018

maj 28 2018 J. ang klasa III - 28 May 2018

Complete the second sentence, so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. Use a maximum of 4 words, including the word in brackets.

Karl Drais designed the prototype of bike in 1817.

The prototype of bike ______________________ Karl Drais in 1817. [INVENT]

A famous chef cooked their lunch especially for them.

They ______________________ by a famous chef. [PREPARE]

Someone repaired her laptop yesterday.

She ______________________ yesterday. [FIX]

He is going to play in his next film in December.

His next film is _______________________ in December. [RELEASE]

The National Stadium in Warsaw will host the 2015 UEFA Europa League final.

The 2015 UEFA Europa League Final ________________________ at the National Stadium in Warsaw. [PLAY]

He has received a new ball recently.

He has had ________________________ to him recently. [SEND]

They brought all his newspapers to him yesterday.

He had ______________________ yesterday. [DELIVER]

Sometimes the referee gives red and yellow cards to players in football matches.

Sometimes ______________________ red and yellow cards in football matches by the referee. [SHOW]

Indian factories are going to produce the football team’s kit next year.

The football team ______________________ its kit produced in India next year. [HAVE]

The three fastest finishers in the race will receive the medals.

The medals ______________________ the three fastest finishers in the race. [WIN]


Zadania z 14 maja przesłało 14 uczniów (4 szóstki!). Na ostatnie w tym roku szkolnym rozwiązania czekam do 2 czerwca, jak zwykle pod a-dresikiem: Good luck!

maj 28 2018 J. ang klasa II - 28 May 2018

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. Use between 2 and 4 words.

1. She is too young to watch horror films.

She isn’t _________________________________ to watch horror films.

2. This car is more comfortable than the other one.

The other car is not _________________________________ this one.

3. This is our first trip to Greece.

We _________________________________ to Greece before.

4. I last saw Mark two weeks ago.

I haven’t seen Mark _________________________________.

5. The place is too dangerous for children.

The place isn't ________________________________ for children.

6. This is my first camel ride.

I ________________________________ a camel before.

7. In my opinion, football is more interesting than swimming.

In my opinion, swimming isn’t ________________________________.

8. They last ate out a week ago.

They haven’t eaten out ________________________________.


Zadania z 14 maja przesłało 14 uczniów (4 szóstki!). Na ostatnie w tym roku szkolnym rozwiązania czekam do 2 czerwca, jak zwykle pod a-dresikiem: Good luck!