mar 20 2020

Klasa V - 20 March


Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź (possessive pronouns):

1   Hey, that’s not your phone! It’s my / mine.

2   I don’t like my bike – I want a bike like yours / your.

3   Please give the pen back to Lucy, it’s her / hers.

4   Don’t buy a new webcam, you can borrow our / ours.

5   I like our games console more than theirs / their.

6   My tablet is the same as him / his.

7   Give it back! It's not your / yours

8   This bike is her / hers

9   Carol lives in this house, but the other one is my / mine

10  'Mike, don't use this towel, please. It isn't your / yours.'


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