maj 07 2017

J. ang klasa III - 7 May 2017

Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.

demonstrate develop extremely forever digital

quality invention store hold vinyl worldwide


1. _________________ is a kind of plastic used for making records.

2. Personal stereos became _________________ popular in the 1980s.

3. High-fidelity refers to an excellent _________________ of sound recording and reproduction.

4. Nowadays, most music fans _________________ their music files on CDs or computers.

5. Nowadays, the MP3 format is used _________________ to create music files.

6. Thomas Edison was asked to _________________ how the phonograph worked to the President.

7. A CD can _________________ about 80 minutes of music.

8. The _________________ of the Sony Walkman made it possible for people to listen to music everywhere.


Zadania z 23 kwietnia przesłało ośmiu uczniów (trzy szóstki, pięć, cztery+ oraz next time). Na odpowiedzi czekam do 13 maja jak zwykle pod a-dresem: Good luck!