gru 17 2017

J. ang klasa III - 17 Dec 2017

Answer the questions.

Who directed “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” in 2000?

In the 1946 film ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’, what was the name of George Bailey’s guardian angel?

Who played the two burglars in the ‘Home Alone’ films?

Which Christmas film begins with David (played by Hugh Grant) commenting that whenever he feels gloomy about the world he thinks about the arrivals terminal at Heathrow Airport?

Which 1983 film directed by John Landis sees the paths of Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy cross when they become part of an elaborate bet?

Film from 1988, John McClane is called on to save his wife and others taken hostage.

In 1989's National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, how long has Cousin Eddie been unemployed?

In the 1989 comedy, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, what had Clark Griswold been planning to buy with the Christmas bonus he expected from work?

What noted actor provided the voice of the conductor in 2004's animated film, The Polar Express?

In the 1946 film, 'It's a Wonderful Life', what was the name of the town that George Bailey lived in?

Idą święta, idą święta... Zadania z 3 grudnia przesłało 9 uczniów! Dwie szóstki, trzy czwórki & cztery trójki... Not bad... Tym razem ćwiczenia dotyczą świątecznych filmów... Poszukajcie, pomyślcie, a na pewno znajdziecie... Uwaga! W najbliższy wtorek o 11:30 w sali nr 2 (dawniej 3) CHRISTMAS KARAOKE! W konkursie weźmie rekordowa liczba uczestników – aż 21! Przypominam, że Nocny Maraton Filmowy odbędzie się 29 stycznia (pierwszy poniedziałek na feriach). Ciągle czekamy na chętnych... Na odpowiedzi tym razem czekam do 27 grudnia, jak zwykle pod a-dresikiem: Good luck! Jest taki dzień, bardzo ciepły, choć grudniowy...