lut 25 2018

J. ang klasa II - 25 Feb 2018

Complete the sentences with the missing words.

1. Could you do me a(n) _________________, please? I need your help with my project.

2. He’s so shy that it’s difficult for him to _________________ friends.

3. You should do some regular _________________ to keep fit.

4. I’d like to _________________ some charity work next summer.

5. This comedy is so funny. It always makes me _________________.

6. When I finish school, I’ll have to make a(n) _________________ about what to study at college.

7. He’s planning to _________________ a lot of money in the future.

8. I promise I’ll do my _________________ to help you.

9. I’m doing the test carefully because I don’t want to make any _________________.

10. He’s so lazy! He can do _________________ at all for hours!


Zadania z 11 lutego przesłało 9 uczniów (od 3 do 5). Tym razem ćwiczenia dotyczą słownictwa z rozdziału V... Na odpowiedzi czekam do 3 marca, jak zwykle pod a-dresikiem: Good luck!