mar 12 2017

J. ang klasa I - 12 March 2017

Complete the sentences with should, shouldn’t, must, mustn’t.

1. In my opinion, you ______________________ watch this film. It’s really boring.

2. We ______________________ take photos inside the museum. Look at the ‘NO PHOTOS’ sign.

3. She is very ill and they ______________________ take her to hospital immediately.

4. Do you think I ______________________ buy her some flowers?

5. Peter’s late again. ______________________ we wait a bit longer or go now?

6. No, thanks. I ______________________ eat chocolate. I’m allergic to it.

7. Stop! You ______________________ cross the street when the light is on red!

i pytania o St. Patrick's Day (17 March):

8. During which century did the patron saint of Ireland, Saint Patrick, live?

9. How many leaves does a shamrock have?

10. What colors are on the Irish flag?


Zadania z 26 lutego przesłało 10 uczniów! Oczywiście klasy I i III... Mam nadzieję, że podobnie będzie i tym razem. Na odpowiedzi czekam do 18 marca, jak zwykle pod adresem: Good luck!