gru 03 2017

J. ang klasa III - 3 Dec 2017

Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Use: bark, branch, buds, leaves, petals, roots, soil, stalk, trunk, twigs.

__________________ are a good material for birds to build their nests.

Rose __________________ are very soft and have beautiful colours.

In autumn, beautiful red and yellow __________________ appear on the trees.

__________________ is the outside layer of a tree and its branches.

A tree __________________ is the strong part of the tree between its roots and branches.

__________________ open to form a leaf or a flower in springtime.

A __________________ is the long and thin part of a plant.

A dry sandy __________________ is not suitable for many plants to grow in.

I noticed a beautiful bird on the top __________________ of a tree in my garden.

Fig trees have deep __________________ to reach the water deep underground.

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